Investment Philosophy

Investment Philosophy at First Affirmative

Invest with Confidence and a Conscience.

First Affirmative takes a double bottom line approach to serving the needs of our advisors and clients. We have always believed thoughtful investors can earn competitive financial returns while also choosing investment vehicles that reflect their desire for change in the world. Incorporating our proprietary, intensive research methods, screens, and portfolio construction methodologies, we recommend portfolios aligned with clients’ individual financial and values-based goals.

Values-Aligned investing has come to dominate investors’ desires for purposeful investing of their money, the world’s largest and most widely-held investment vehicles have grown to reflect consumer demand. More than $12 trillion in professionally managed investments in the U.S. alone now use one or more strategies identified as responsible impact investing. That’s one quarter of professionally managed money and growing every year. It’s a welcome change from when First Affirmative began investing with this philosophy 30 years ago, and we honor those who have joined the fight to shift investing to positively impact the world around us.

At First Affirmative, we thrive on the challenge of making Values-Aligned investing anything but a challenge for you.

We have developed analytical and screening tools that makes it easy to invest in your client’s values – from animal rights to employee parental leave to climate change – and screen investments for their success in meeting those marks. We help you and your client invest for a sustainable future.