Krista Strohoffer, CFP®, AIF®
Certified Financial Planner™ & Accredited Investment Fiduciary®
Sustainable Advisors Alliance
P.O. Box 1837
Boulder, CO 80306
Phone: (303) 413-6025
Fax: (888) 220-7510
Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing
Professional Focus and Services:
Krista Strohoffer is a licensed financial advisor. She received her first license in 1998 and has specialized in Socially Responsible Investing since 1999. Her interest in this field began in 1993 at Business Ethics Magazine. Krista’s clients come to her because they want her to integrate their investments with their financial needs and their personal values. Her clients want to support companies that have a positive impact and avoid those that do not. Investments are selected based not only on their financials but also on their environmental and social records. Additional attention is paid to how a company treats their employees, their community, the environment and the consumers of their products.
After several years at Prudential Securities, the Center for Responsible Investing, Morgan Stanley and Smith Barney, Krista launched her own firm, Principled Investing LLC, in January 2006. Krista did this to focus her practice on Socially Responsible Investing and because she wanted to provide the highest level of integrity, ethics and professionalism to her clients.
Krista helps her clients identify their financial goals and dreams and develop a strategy to reach them. These goals might include a comfortable retirement, education savings, or a first time home purchase. During this process, Krista spends a great deal of time educating her clients. She believes that knowledge is power and with financial knowledge comes financial freedom. Krista is also a firm believer that everyone deserves and can benefit from professional financial advice regardless of their net worth or investable assets.
Personal Message:
Krista spends her free time hiking, climbing and skiing in the beautiful Colorado mountains. Krista is an avid gardener and enjoys eating from her small but productive organic vegetable garden.
Krista Strohoffer is an Investment Advisory Representative (IAR) with Sustainable Advisors Alliance, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Investing involves risks, including the potential for loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful. Additional information about Sustainable Advisors Alliance, LLC is available on the SEC’s website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov (CRD number 312061).
Krista Strohoffer subscribes to a package of professional services offered by First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC. She is not an investment advisor representative of First Affirmative Financial Network. First Affirmative is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Sustainable Advisors Alliance.
First Affirmative Financial Network is an independent Registered Investment Advisor (SEC File #801-56587).