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First Affirmative Financial Network Completes Spin-Off To Employee-Owned, Certified B Corp As Values-Based Investing Skyrockets

Written by First Affirmative


Pioneer in SRI and ESG Investing Now Activated for Impact and Growth

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, September 18, 2020 — First Affirmative Financial Network LLC, a pioneer in sustainable, responsible and impact (SRI) investing with approximately $1 billion under management and advisement, announced today it will return to independence as an employee-owned Certified B Corp and capitalize on burgeoning interest in values-based investing.

First Affirmative and Goldman Sachs announced the spinoff as part of Goldman Sachs’s acquisition of Folio Financial, which acquired First Affirmative in 2016.

A Registered investment Advisor, First Affirmative has led the way in SRI and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing for more than 30 years. First Affirmative founded the industry standard The SRI Conference in 1990 to bring together industry leaders and expand impact investing. First Affirmative’s re-launch as an independent, employee-owned entity comes at a time when social and cultural activism have raised values-based investing to higher prominence than ever.

The AffirmativESG advisor workstation sets the standard for financial and impact customization and efficiency, and continues First Affirmative’s legacy of innovation.

“We’re thrilled to reinforce more than three decades of values-based investment innovation with employee ownership that will help spread the First Affirmative approach, through unmatched enthusiasm and depth of experience and commitment,” said George Gay, CEO of First Affirmative. “We will grow our network of advisors and bring powerful, impactful financial management tools to more people through the leadership of our empowered teammates.”

First Affirmative creates SRI investment models, shapes portfolios for investment managers, builds analysis tools and partners with financial firms to meet competitive return benchmarks while supporting desired impact results for clients. Since 1988, First Affirmative has been driven by its belief in the power of capital to bring about lasting beneficial change, including stewardship of the environment and promoting social change.

“First Affirmative is one of the most pioneering and well-respected SRI investment managers in the country,” said Gary Mathews, PhD CPA/PFS AIF at SRI Investing LLC. “I am so happy to be able to say First Affirmative is preserving its independence. First Affirmative is a treasure to the SRI community.”

First Affirmative is a leader in shareholder advocacy and investor-driven social activism, and most recently helped lead the effort to influence the NFL’s Washington Football Team to change a name long considered a slur around the world.

About First Affirmative:

Since 1988, First Affirmative has been helping financial advisors and their clients create investment solutions designed to meet both financial and impact goals. First Affirmative’s unmatched institutional grounding in this ecosystem allows them to deploy the fundamental research, quantitative techniques, portfolio construction and management methodologies to deliver outcome-oriented SRI and ESG investment solutions. First Affirmative is proud to have adopted the highest standards as an investment fiduciary. First Affirmative is a Certified B Corp and was honored as a “Best for the World” Company in 2019 by B Lab, the parent organization for Certified B Corps.