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Leadership & Community Investments as Crucial ESG Components — Part 2

Written by First Affirmative

Chronicles, Podcast

Listen to the Deep Impact Investing Podcast here


In October 2021, Kimberly Griego-Kiel took part in the ESG For Impact! Conference in Colorado Springs.

Now back with part two of her ESG for Impact! miniseries, Kim welcomes George Gay, the CEO of First Affirmative Financial Network, and Ebony Perkins, Self-Help Credit Union’s Vice President and Director of Investor Relations.

George and Kim explore George’s military background and ways to gain leadership within the environmental, social, and governance investing arena, while Ebony reviews everything you need to know about community investments. Plus, she shares how Self-Help Credit Union can support you when you need it the most.

Kim, George, and Ebony discuss:

  • How leadership skills are transferable from industry to industry
  • How 9/11 and the 2008 Market Crisis affected perceptions of success
  • The lending business during the pandemic
  • The importance of understanding where your money ‘sleeps’
  • And more!